Note to self:

May 7, 2009

Quit reading Esquire Magazine.
Realize that their target audience is guys in their late 20s and 30s.
Remember that as old as you feel, you’re only 23 and you’ve got a lot of growing up to do.
Realize that eventually, you will be the guy in $1,200 shoes and $5,000 suits.
Realize that the stage of youth you’re currently enduring is meant for growth, good or bad.
Find a girl that’s tolerable, not perfect. Perfection is boring anyway, right?
Perfection is a state of being that was not meant for the likes of real men and women.
Eventually I will make that next step, whatever that may be.

Quit spending so much time on facebook and twitter.
Experience the real world more often.
Move to a real big city, get lost, be broke. Have fun.
Enjoy current financial stability more, quit moping about what’s come and gone.
Quit putting attainable women on platforms and giving excuses.
View the world from the eyes of a more positive person. Not an optimist, just someone slightly more positive than the current, “Half full? I don’t see the fucking glass.” -state of mind.

Be more stoked. Always.
Run more often, break a sweat.
Feel better about things you can’t change and don’t like.
Learn to let go.

2 Responses to “Note to self:”

  1. lovelila Says:

    That sounds beautiful…and actually right on track with my plan in life (“Experience the real world more often”) and what I’m actually doing (“Be broke, have fun”…except, I just travel around – can’t really move right now, it’s awesome). Anyway, good luck! Being more positive, but not a freaking cupcake IS lots of fun when it’s done the right way. Nice entry :). Gonna bookmark it.


  2. Stephanie Says:

    Too true, I think this every day.

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